26 Juni 2008

Fly Me to Polaris

Year: 1999 Director: Jingle Ma Chor-Sing Cast : Richie Ren, Cecilia Cheung Pak-Chi, William So Wing-Hong, Eric Tsang Chi-Wai, Eric Kot Man-Fai, Sheren Teng Shui-Man. A bit of plot. Fly Me to Polaris is a fantasy youth romance, in which blind and mute Onion (Richie Ren) and young romantic nurse Autumn (Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi) fall in love without quite knowing it. Onion is quickly killed off in an accident. In a way-station on the path to heaven, an angel (Eric Kot) allows Ren five more days on Earth, with a catch: Ren will be able to see and speak, but he will be unrecognizable to everyone around him, and he is forbidden from revealing who he is. Returning to witness his own funeral, Ren finds Autumn in her grief, and tries to console her while recreating the love that they had never managed to express. Magically romantic things transpire with the aid of saxophones and meteor showers.

Semalem baru nonton pilm ini dohhhh, jadul banget ya hehe. tapi lumayan buat melow-melow gitu. Bagus ini pilm, apa lagi di tonton buat ber-romantisme dengan sang pacar (bukan selingkuhan yaaaaa...). Walau di bilang pilm ini sudah lama tapi masih layak di tonton kog.

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